Yes. This is made by Hitchcock. It might not resemble almost anything else he ever made (and definitely not his next works) but this romantic comedy starring Carole Lombard, Robert Montgomery and Gene Raymond was directed by none other than the master of mystery himself. And yes, the title does remind you of the 2005 film Mr. & Mrs. Smith starring Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, because that one was a remake which shared nothing but the title with the original movie. So, let's take a look.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941) is the story of a married couple who find out that they are not married after all. It is a result of a technicality but seeing as they are told seperately, Mrs. Smith (Carole Lombard) takes it the wrong way.
Of course it isn't entirely her fault as her husband (Robert Montgomery) has told her previously the same day that "if he had to do his life all over again, he wouldn't have married her".
Ann Smith overreacts and tells him that now that they're not legally married, she doesn't want to marry him. Thus, begin their troubles.
Mr. Smith tries to persuade her that he loves her and that he wants to do the marriage all over again, but Mrs. Smith, wanting to show him that she can move on, kicks him out of the house and finds a job.
Not only that, but she dates his former best friend (Gene Raymond), to show her illegal husband that she is a trully independent woman.

This film has absolutely nothing to do with any of the "classic" Hitchcock films. This is his one and only comedy. And it has many comedic moments, indeed.
Director Cameo: Halfway through the movie, Hitchcock passes Mr. Smith in front of his building.

This film has absolutely nothing to do with any of the "classic" Hitchcock films. This is his one and only comedy. And it has many comedic moments, indeed.
Director Cameo: Halfway through the movie, Hitchcock passes Mr. Smith in front of his building.
Memorable Quotes:
I will never forget you in that little blue dress.- David Smith
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